
Here are a few hints how to get the best performance out of structlog in production:

  • Use structlog’s native BoundLogger (created using structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger()) if you want to use level-based filtering. return None is hard to beat.

  • Avoid (frequently) calling log methods on loggers you get back from structlog.get_logger() or structlog.wrap_logger(). Since those functions are usually called in module scope and thus before you are able to configure them, they return a proxy object that assembles the correct logger on demand.

    Create a local logger if you expect to log frequently without binding:

    logger = structlog.get_logger()
    def f():
        log = logger.bind()
        for i in range(1000000000):
 "iterated", i=i)

    Since global scope lookups are expensive in Python, it’s generally a good idea to copy frequently-used symbols into local scope.

  • Set the cache_logger_on_first_use option to True so the aforementioned on-demand loggers will be assembled only once and cached for future uses:


    This has two drawbacks:

    1. Later calls of configure() don’t have any effect on already cached loggers – that shouldn’t matter outside of testing though.

    2. The resulting bound logger is not pickleable. Therefore, you can’t set this option if you, for example, plan on passing loggers around using multiprocessing.

  • Avoid sending your log entries through the standard library if you can: its dynamic nature and flexibility make it a major bottleneck. Instead use structlog.WriteLoggerFactory or – if your serializer returns bytes (for example, orjson or msgspec) – structlog.BytesLoggerFactory.

    You can still configure logging for packages that you don’t control, but avoid it for your own log entries.

  • Configure JSONRenderer to use a faster JSON serializer than the standard library. Possible alternatives are among others are orjson, msgspec, or RapidJSON.

  • Be conscious about whether and how you use structlog’s asyncio support. While it’s true that moving log processing into separate threads prevents your application from hanging, it also comes with a performance cost.

    Decide judiciously whether or not you’re willing to pay that price. If your processor chain has a good and predictable performance without external dependencies (as it should), it might not be worth it.


Here’s an example for a production-ready structlog configuration that’s as fast as it gets:

import logging
import orjson
import structlog

        structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso", utc=True),

It has the following properties:

  • Caches all loggers on first use.

  • Filters all log entries below the info log level very efficiently. The debug method literally consists of return None.

  • Supports Context Variables (thread-local contexts outside of asyncio).

  • Adds the log level name.

  • Renders exceptions into the exception key.

  • Adds an ISO 8601 timestamp under the timestamp key in the UTC timezone.

  • Renders the log entries as JSON using orjson which is faster than plain logging in logging.

  • Uses structlog.BytesLoggerFactory because orjson returns bytes. That saves encoding ping-pong.

Therefore a log entry might look like this:


If you need standard library support for external projects, you can either just use a JSON formatter like python-json-logger, or pipe them through structlog as documented in Standard Library Logging.